by Beth Holmes | Jun 27, 2022 | Climate Change, Conservation, Sustainability
Groundwater rights ruling shakes up Nevada during the state’s long drought. Nevada, like the rest of the American West, is more than twenty years into a megadrought. Climatologists say the area has become much warmer and drier in recent decades than in the...
by Beth Holmes | Jun 20, 2022 | Climate Change, Conservation, Environmental hazards, Sustainability
Sriracha hot sauce will be thin on the shelves, as chili pepper crops fail in unseasonable conditions. Back in April, Huy Fong Foods, the company that makes the wildly popular sriracha sauce, sent out a letter announcing that they were struggling to get chili peppers...
by Beth Holmes | Dec 27, 2021 | Environmental hazards, Sustainability
Microplastics in the soil may be becoming a worldwide food chain problem, according to the United Nations. On Tuesday, the United Nations agricultural agency the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) released a report assessing plastic pollution in agricultural...
by Admin | Sep 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
In the 1960s and ‘70s, acid rain became a central part of the environmentalist conversation when scientists tied deforestation and reef-bleaching to emissions from industrial centers whole continents away. The findings of their research implicated sulfur output mostly...
by Admin | Mar 6, 2017 | Conservation, Sustainability
Wild bees are responsible for pollinating a lot of crops in the United States, some of which rely on the bees, while others simply benefit from their actions. But a study from the University of Vermont has found a “worrisome mismatch between falling wild bee supply...