Incorporate these tips into your everyday life to reduce your carbon footprint! IMG: via Shutterstock.
Sometimes a lot of the little changes in life add up to make a big difference, and making a big difference in your own local community is always the first step to change globally. This means that you don’t have to quit your job and move into a tree in order to stop deforestation. You don’t have to live in the dark in order to conserve energy. And you don’t have to give up riding in cars, like, ever again. There are a lot of little things you can do to in order to live green, and if you really commit to these small changes, you can make a difference in your community.
There is a lot of advice out there about “living green.” Below we have collected some of the best lists we’ve found so that you don’t have to do the digging. Go forth. Start changing your lifestyle a little, because if we all change a little, we’ll change a lot.
National Geographic: The Green Guide
The National Geographic’s motto is “Inspiring people to care about the planet since 1888,” and their Green Guide provides great articles about how to live, work, travel, and eat green. You can quiz yourself to find out if you’re doing everything you can to be green, and the Green Guide also offers great buying guides for the most environmentally-friendly products.
Seattle PI: 52 Tips for Living Green
Leave it to Seattle, arguably the greenest city in the country, to produce such a comprehensive, creative list of ways to protect the environment. While this list lacks pretty photos, videos, or info-graphics, it has instead some of the more unique tips we’ve found online, such as “If it’s clear that a train or other barrier will block your vehicle for more than 30 seconds, turn off the engine. An idling vehicle burns more fuel than a simple restart. And you won’t be polluting when the engine is off.”
Go Green Travel Green: 25 Days to Green Travel
Go Green Travel Green is a blog dedicated to the art of roaming the Earth while also protecting it. For Earth Day, they began as series called “25 Days to Green Travel” that include smart, substantive articles about packing light, volunteering abroad, paper-free guidebooks, and many more ideas for how to enjoy travel impact-free.
Eat Drink Better: Ten Ways to Eat Local, Seasonal Food All Year
Eating local means that you are not only supporting your local economy and community, but you are also reducing the amount of energy and resources used to transport food from the ground to your table. Eat Drink Better provides a fantastic article about ways that you can consume local, healthy, and environment-friendly meals that frankly taste better. This list also provides resources alongside each tip it gives, which makes following the advice even easier.
Treehugger’s How to Go Green: At Work
Treehugger is a media outlet that compiles articles and news about the latest in sustainability. Their series, How to Go Green, features a lot of good advice about living better. If you want to reduce your environmental impact from work, this article gives a long list of ideas, resources, and advice about how to work “greener”, from printing less to bringing your lunch to the office.
These tips are just the beginning of living a more sustainable life. But pick one piece of advice and decide to change how you live each day. If everyone makes the decision to protect our environment, we will be that much closer to significant, global change. We will continue posting ideas, articles, and inspiration for living better, so stay posted, and live green!
Recycle your soda cans, beer cans, plastics, paper etc .find a local rclcyee center for these things if your apartment building does not offer it.Replace light bulbs with the low emission kind available at local home improvement stores .they kinda remind you of a bunch of tubes bent in a U shape.They cost a little more, but save on electricity, therefore helping you save money on your bill too.Use environmentally friendly cleaners instead of the typical ones you get at the dollar store. Ask the grocery store where you can find these Clorox makes one . green something or other Ensure your apartment maintenance dept. change out the air filters in your apartment regularly. Once a month is best. Stay on top of it! Purchase a HEPA filter type vacuum cleaner and keep clean filters in it when you clean.