Build a rolling closet ladder out of an old one! IMG: via HGTV.
How many times have you watched people toss perfectly good items onto the curb for waste management to pick up? With a little creativity you can save a lot of your old, personal items from piling up in the landfill. Before you toss, think. How can I reuse this broken umbrella? This rickety ladder I never use? An old T-shirt? Here are some upcycled projects for some of the most common household items that hit the curb.
• Ladder: Want to upgrade your closet space? Use a ladder as a clothes or shoe rack! How about a country-feel decoration for the living or kitchen room? Suspended from the ceiling, ladders can be a great place to hand extra pots, utensils, mason jars, even viney plants. Get inspiration at scraphacker.com.
• Turn old containers into cute vases!
• About to toss a stack of old magazines? Hold your horses! Check out a Beautiful Mess’s upcylcled magazine clutch.
• Alright, so your cordless phone is more than just old-school, it’s unpractical…for telephone usage that is. How about reusing phones for bookends?
• Is that tackle box old and rusty? Use as a multi-tired planter!
• Grandma’s china collecting dust in the cupboard? Turn tea sets into beautiful tea lights!
• Spice Girls meets Backstreet boys in this very urban outfitters-inspired pencil holder. Make from your old cassettes.
• Light the way with soda can lanterns! You can cut them into shape, or connect soda can tops. Learn about ways to reuse soda cans here.
• Before tossing out your old light fixture, think about turning it into a beautiful terrarium!