Svalbard Global Seed Vault Protects Our Future

Svalbard Global Seed Vault Protects Our Future

Have you ever wondered what would happen if there were a nuclear disaster that wiped out the entirety of the world’s crops and seeds?  Would we be doomed to starve?  Some brilliant conservationists have already considered the possibility and created a contingency...
KKR Evaluates the Benefits of the Shale Gas Revolution

KKR Evaluates the Benefits of the Shale Gas Revolution

Since the early 2000s, shale gas has become an increasingly important source of natural gas in the United States, and one that has also been a subject of contention. There have been predictions made about shale gas becoming one of the primary sources of our country’s...


What, exactly, is a GMO?  It is an acronym for genetically modified organisms.  In this context, we are talking about genetically altered food.  It has recently become a hot topic due to all the progress in genetic engineering. At present, about 85 percent of all...
People for Puget Sound Cleans Up the Shoreline

People for Puget Sound Cleans Up the Shoreline

Puget Sound is home to a plethora of wildlife and is one of the main sources of food for people in the northwest.  A healthy ecosystem and sound is essential for the commercial success of the area as well as for environmentalists and nature lovers alike. Thankfully,...
Bike Friendly Cities Prosper

Bike Friendly Cities Prosper

The cities of San Francisco, California and Vancouver, B.C. are beginning to see the benefits of becoming cyclist friendly.  Both cities are enjoying more economic prosperity related to cycling lanes, increased bike traffic the communities that cyclists build. ...