
Neither Americans nor Canadians are convinced that Keystone is environmentally sound.
Image: Rena Schild /

Speaking from the Liberal convention in Montreal, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says the Conservative government’s lack of environmental stewardship is causing the Keystone XL pipeline to go unapproved. Trudeau said that neither Americans nor Canadians are convinced the environment is a priority when it comes to the $7-billon pipeline.

During his keynote address Saturday, Trudeau said the government must get the country’s resources to global markets in an environmentally responsible manner. Several US strategists who helped deliver Obama’s presidential victories in 2008 and 2012 attended the weekend convention.

O’Mally Dillon, Obama’s deputy campaign manager, said there are a number of similarities in the leadership styles of Trudeau and Obama. “At the core, a strong party is driven by a strong leader as much as anything else,” she said from the Liberal convention. While the Conservatives and NDPs have painted Trudeau as someone who lacks political experience, O’Mally Dillon pointed out that he’s drawn new blood into the Liberal team.

“He’s bringing new people into the process, he has strong family values and someone I think has a lot of strong ideas,” she said. “I think the campaign and the party needs to highlight its focus on amplifying all that he is doing.”