
Obama’s new “green jobs” initiative could save businesses billions annually by 2030.
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Over the past few years, President Obama has spearheaded myriad climate control campaigns. Most recently, he announced the country’s plans to step forward with energy efficient and sustainable practices for job training. These new “green jobs” will focus heavily on everything from solar power equipment to controlling specific company emissions.

The most controversial piece of this announcement is not a part of the initiative itself, but rather in the president’s decision to make the announcement at a previously scheduled Walmart public appearance. Walmart has experienced its share of controversies regarding employment benefits, training and fair wages, thus straddling Obama’s decision upon the line between all too ironic and strategically sound.

Naturally, companies were in uproar regarding costs to replace already instilled training practices. The White House responded with assurances that these new green jobswill save companies an average of nearly 26 billion annually on energy bills by 2030.

So what does this all mean to you? You might be seeing mandatory changes in your office building on things as small as light bulb replacements to as large as mandatory training hours for all employees. Forcing corporations to increase awareness on environmental laws will not only be a challenge, but also a new metric for success.

Many businesses have already begun entering the age of “green business,” and these new laws from the Obama administration only further cement the direction that businesses must grow. Being a green business is now one more way in which companies can compete with each other. Good practices aren’t just about making money and being financially efficient anymore—they’re about reducing carbon footprints and holding businesses environmentally responsible.