According to a NASA monthly report, September 2014 was the warmest month to date, going back more than 130 years. During September, the global average temperature was 1.38 degrees F above the historical average, calculated using data ranging from 1951–1980.

September was hottest month

This follows an August that had the same results, being the hottest August in recorded history. While there is some disagreement about the record (some temperatures measured on the surface of the planet, as opposed to being measured by NASA’s satellites, have the month tied with its 2011 counterpart for the same record), the existence of the conversation is a testament to the dangers of global warming.

In fact, the people at crystalize the issue quite nicely with their fun interactive info graphic called “1,001 Blistering Future Summers”. This info graphic accesses data about summer temperatures from, you guessed it, 1,001 US cities and includes the average summer temperatures in the year 2100 if there is no change in our current fossil fuel emissions.

Below are some of the major highlights from the 1,001 Blistering Future Summers info graphic, which display some of the drastic temperatures future Americans might be faced with if we do not decrease our fossil fuel emissions.


2014: 81.73 degrees F

2100: 93.11 degrees F


2014: 93.7 degrees F

2100: 103.91 degrees F

New York

2014: 82.38 degrees F

2100: 91.76 degrees F

Salt Lake City

2014: 88.32 degrees F

2100: 99.61 degrees F


2014: 73.0 degrees F

2100: 83.75 degrees F

Washington DC

2014: 86.68 degrees F

2100: 96.69 degrees F

San Antonio, TX

2014: 94.17 degrees F

2100: 103.91 degrees F

Phoenix, AZ

2014: 103.96 degrees F

2100: 114.08 degrees F