by Admin | Apr 26, 2017 | Climate Change, Environmental hazards, Information
Wildfires are an inevitable part of the American west, and, according to a new paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they’ve been increasing in frequency and severity since the 1970s. A record-breaking fire near Boulder,...
by Admin | Apr 19, 2017 | Business, Environmental hazards, Sustainability
Researchers from Boston College have found that evidence that links carbon emissions with income inequality. Scientists have known for some time that national wealth and carbon emissions have been linked, but this is the first study that explores this link within...
by Admin | Apr 17, 2017 | Environmental hazards
Many lakes in North America are becoming saltier thanks to road salt. A recent study looked at 371 lakes in the Midwest and Northeast, and found that 44 percent of them were undergoing long-term salinization. This process means that these lakes have increasing amounts...
by Admin | Apr 14, 2017 | Conservation, Information
Today’s children are tomorrow’s environmental advocates, so it’s really important to teach them about ecology as soon as you can. Celebrating Earth Day is a great way to get started. It may be hard to think of age-appropriate ways to get them started in their journey...
by Admin | Apr 12, 2017 | Climate Change
Climate change is setting new records all the time. According to a recent study which compiles information from 1,200 estimates of ancient temperatures and CO2 concentrations, if we don’t deal with greenhouse gases soon, by 2250 or so the world will have the highest...