by Admin | Jul 26, 2017 | Environmental hazards
Since 1950, industry has made more than 9.1 billions of tons of plastics. But plastic doesn’t degrade like other, more natural, materials, so now there’s enough of it left over to bury Manhattan in over 2 miles of plastic waste. This news comes from an article in the...
by Admin | Jul 19, 2017 | Climate Change
You’d have to be living under a rock not to know that a 1 trillion-ton iceberg calved off the Larsen C Ice Shelf of Antarctica some time between July 10 and July 12. But what does this mean in terms of the Earth’s climate? Did the release of the iceberg mean that the...
by Admin | Jul 12, 2017 | Climate Change, Information
Climate change deniers and skeptics have long used satellite data to back up their arguments. This is because the data showed lower temperatures than those recorded on the ground. However, new research may be knocking the wind out of climate skeptics’ sails. Dr. Carl...
by Admin | Jul 5, 2017 | Climate Change
In January of 2016, an area of roughly 300,000 square miles—twice the size of California—in Antarctica had an extreme melting event. The cause of the melt was warm winds blowing over the continent forced by an especially strong El Niño. The warm spell lasted more than...