by Admin | Jun 28, 2019 | Conservation
New research from the University of Vermont shows that domestic honeybees may be transmitting viruses to wild bumblebees. This may be one of the primary reasons for the decline of many species of wild bumblebees. These viral infections are moving from managed bees in...
by Admin | Jun 21, 2019 | Environmental hazards, Sustainability
A new study from the University of Arizona may have important implications for managing water resources. Groundwater pumping over the last century, the researchers say, has contributed as much as 50 percent to stream flow declines in some U.S. rivers. How has this...
by Admin | Jun 14, 2019 | Climate Change, Information
According to new research from Georgia State University, the timing of hurricanes is one of the primary factors influencing its impact on the spread of mosquito-borne diseases such as West Nile Virus, dengue, chikungunya, and Zika. Researchers from Georgia State, and...