by Admin | Feb 8, 2017 | Conservation, Information
Plankton are tiny aquatic creatures which form the basis of many of the food webs found in the world’s oceans. Each smaller than a grain of rice, they band together in huge swarms that sometimes manifest on the surface as “red tides.” But for the most part, they...
by Admin | Jan 30, 2017 | Information
There has been a lot of talk about government social media accounts and the current administration. The issues apparently began when the Department of the Interior’s National Park Service retweeted a photo comparing the audience of President Obama’s inauguration...
by Admin | Jan 27, 2017 | Climate Change, Information
In today’s climate studies, researchers define the pre-industrial period as being between 1850 and 1900. The trouble with that date range is, the Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the late 1700s and was in high gear throughout the western world by 1850. In...
by Admin | Jan 25, 2017 | Green Energy, Information
Biofuel is a renewable alternative energy source that, while it’s catching on, is nowhere close to replacing petroleum. One reason for that is the cost of growing the algae used to produce some of those biofuels. This is where a new project at the Department of...
by Admin | Jan 18, 2017 | Climate Change, Information
While working a system to remove contaminants from water, scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory stumbled on a system to remove carbon dioxide from air, by storing it in crystals. The crystals are formed when a synthetic guanidine in water is exposed to air....
by Admin | Jan 16, 2017 | Climate Change, Information
The creation of fossil fuels may have helped kick off the evolution of animal life on the planet. Why? Animals need oxygen, not just to breathe but also to process energy from food. But large amounts of carbon in the form of plant material were left on the surface of...