Water on Mars Later Than Expected?

Water on Mars Later Than Expected?

Mars hasn’t had an atmosphere in a really long time, which has prevented it from having liquid water on its surface, but new evidence from NASA indicates that liquid water may have existed later than expected. That evidence comes primarily from NASA’s Mars...
Air Pollution Might Cause Obesity

Air Pollution Might Cause Obesity

Obesity is on the rise globally, and has been for years. There have been a lot of studies to try and figure out why that is. A new study may have some answers. Researchers from Duke University and Duke Kunshan University found that diet and exercise might only be a...
As Waters Get Warmer, Sand Fleas Mate More

As Waters Get Warmer, Sand Fleas Mate More

Climate change is going to have a very strong impact on the world, and especially on the oceans. Rising temperatures and acidification, the latter caused by the ocean sequestering more carbon dioxide than normal, is already having a negative impact on corals and other...