Svalbard Global Seed Vault Protects Our Future

Svalbard Global Seed Vault Protects Our Future

Have you ever wondered what would happen if there were a nuclear disaster that wiped out the entirety of the world’s crops and seeds?  Would we be doomed to starve?  Some brilliant conservationists have already considered the possibility and created a contingency...
People for Puget Sound Cleans Up the Shoreline

People for Puget Sound Cleans Up the Shoreline

Puget Sound is home to a plethora of wildlife and is one of the main sources of food for people in the northwest.  A healthy ecosystem and sound is essential for the commercial success of the area as well as for environmentalists and nature lovers alike. Thankfully,...
Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

There was a time when people really didn’t think much about the environment.  The word environmentalism didn’t even exist.  However, over the years, the issue of environmental stewardship has become very important.  What once was just a place we lived now became a...
Charity: Water Gives Access to Clean Water

Charity: Water Gives Access to Clean Water

If you live in the western world, most likely you take water for granted.  If you want to take a shower, water your garden or just drink some water, you can.  You just turn on the faucet and out comes clean, sparkling, drinkable water. That is nowhere near the case in...