Starbucks Stops Bottling Water in California

Starbucks Stops Bottling Water in California

California is in the midst of a four-year drought, which is bad enough that the state has instituted its first mandatory cuts in water use. And sourcing bottled water there is just making that state’s water problems even worse. Recently, Starbucks ceased bottling...
FDA Says GMO Potatoes ‘Safe for Consumption’

FDA Says GMO Potatoes ‘Safe for Consumption’

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave its blessing to two new varieties of genetically engineered apples and six varieties of potatoes on earlier this month. The FDA called the new strains “as safe and nutritious as their conventional counterparts,” a surprising...
Mangrove Forests Need Our Help

Mangrove Forests Need Our Help

Mangrove forests are complex coastal ecologies that serve important functions in tropical zones. Mangrove trees can survive in much saltier water than most other trees, which allows them to create saltwater zones that are sheltered from storms. Mangrove forests are...