

Oceana’s mission is to protect the world’s oceans.

The ocean covers 71% of the Earth, and it represents one of the most productive and diverse ecosystems on the planet. However, today less than 4% of the oceans remain unaffected by human activity, be it over-fishing, chemical-dumping, or indiscriminately killing marine life. Preserving the oceans’ resources and their wildlife is a daunting challenge, but organizations like Oceana have stepped up to protect the world’s oceans.

Oceana, founded in 2001, is the largest international organization that focuses exclusively on protecting oceans. They work on a diverse range of issues in order to fight against the diverse range of threats to ocean life. Oceana works primarily through large policy campaigns that emphasize stopping ocean pollution, promoting responsible fishing, protecting marine wildlife, preserving special marine places, and combating the effects of climate change. Oceana has contested drilling in the Arctic, they have persuaded the government to protect vast expanses of ocean, and they have successfully campaigned to halt the killing of sharks for their fins.

Oceana has offices in North America, Central and South America, and Europe. They enjoy a wide base of support from other organizations as well as celebrities and scientists, however their undertaking is vast. Nevertheless, their relentless policy campaigns, rooted in scientific research, have effected change worldwide and at a local level.

Check out Oceana’s ocean-friendly tips what you can do to help!