by Beth Holmes | Jun 5, 2023 | Environmental hazards, Sustainability
The death toll of air pollution is around nine million lives per year, according to two new reports published this week by medical journals. On Tuesday, the Lancet Planetary Health journal published a report by Richard Fuller. This report compiled analyses of health...
by Admin | Nov 14, 2022 | Climate Change, Conservation, Environmental hazards, Sustainability
Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam was the site of a massive climate protest Saturday, as activists blocked private jets from taking off. Over 500 protesters from Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion assembled at Schiphol Airport on Saturday afternoon, according to a press...
by Beth Holmes | Aug 2, 2021 | Environmental hazards
Several separate studies regarding air pollution and disease, all published in July 2021, found correlative links between dementia and Alzheimer’s and the particulate matter (PM 2.5) content of the air where they live. A study from the University of Southern...
by Admin | Mar 15, 2021 | Climate Change, Green Energy, Sustainability
During his 2020 campaign, while the shape of the world changed in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic, President Joe Biden made promises to spend $2 trillion over his first four-year term on efforts to slow the United States’ contribution to global warming, and to...
by Admin | Feb 15, 2021 | Environmental hazards
Our lungs are amazing things. Impossibly delicate structures of tissue capable of carrying both air and blood, allowing vapor exchange between the two. In structure, they resemble the branches of an upside-down tree, with the uncountable alveoli, the points of...