Acid Jobs Eat Away at Environment

Acid Jobs Eat Away at Environment

What, exactly, is an “acid job?”  It’s not the kind where your coworkers give you migraines.  This kind of “acid job” relates to a highly toxic method of extracting fossil fuels.  It is mostly unregulated by lawmakers, especially in California where this method is...
Vegetarianism and the Environment

Vegetarianism and the Environment

Our environment is a precious commodity.  We all want it to be around for future generations to enjoy without fear.  Yet, global warming is at our doorstep.  Have you ever thought your diet might be the culprit? There are many reasons a diet containing meat may be bad...
What Will Obama Do for Climate Change?

What Will Obama Do for Climate Change?

So Obama is in it for another four years, now the big question—what will he do to help climate change? The fact that Obama has indeed helped America make some strides in reducing greenhouse gas emissions can bring us hope that Obama will continue to address the issue...