Water on Mars Later Than Expected?

Water on Mars Later Than Expected?

Mars hasn’t had an atmosphere in a really long time, which has prevented it from having liquid water on its surface, but new evidence from NASA indicates that liquid water may have existed later than expected. That evidence comes primarily from NASA’s Mars...
Some Earth Microorganisms Could Survive on Mars

Some Earth Microorganisms Could Survive on Mars

According to Rebecca Mickol, a graduate student at the University of Arkansas, some Earth organisms could survive on Mars. In particular, she means methanogens, anaerobic microorganisms responsible for creating methane. Methanogens do not require oxygen, that’s what...
Evidence of an Ancient Freshwater Lake Found on Mars

Evidence of an Ancient Freshwater Lake Found on Mars

Could Mars support life? This is a question that many are asking, especially since NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory—AKA Curiosity Rover—was sent to Mars 16 months ago. Its major objective was to determine if Mars had, in the past, been able to support microbial life....