by Admin | Jul 14, 2015 | Articles, Uncategorized
In his new book, The Runes of Evolution, Professor Simon Conway Morris makes the argument that evolution follows predictable paths, which includes the eventual development of intelligence, and as such, there should be other intelligent life forms in the galaxy. Conway...
by Admin | Jul 13, 2015 | Articles, Uncategorized
According to astronomers at Durham University in the United Kingdom, there may be millions of supermassive black holes in the universe. This estimate is based on their having finally confirmed the existence of five supermassive black holes that were clouded from view...
by Admin | Dec 18, 2013 | Articles
Could Mars support life? This is a question that many are asking, especially since NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory—AKA Curiosity Rover—was sent to Mars 16 months ago. Its major objective was to determine if Mars had, in the past, been able to support microbial life....