When you think of a home garden you often envision a plot set up in one’s front or backyard. But if you fire up the right side of your brain, like NYCHA (New York City Housing Authority) residents have, you will discover there is certainly many ways to make a garden. With the assistance of the Garden and Greening Program by greenNYCHA, a program committed to providing gardening education and resources such as seeds and bulbs, residents have been giving their NYC gardens a twist. NYCHA resident gardeners have turned their gardens into micro farms and are even making them themed.

Jaroslav Kvíz via Treehugger

Alexander Giesemann via Nilsferber

Julia Makarova via Treehugger

While there are people making creative gardens outdoors, I wondered how people were getting creative with home indoor gardens. Ahh indoor gardening, quite a challenge; we’re talking a constant fight to find room and sunlight in such a small space. But these obstacles certainly haven’t stopped people from taking their sustainable life from outdoors to indoors. In fact, indoor gardening is becoming a part of interior design. Here are some stylish ways to garden in small spaces: This was designed by Krytyna Pojerova. It’s essentially a greenhouse that is a lamp simultaneously. Te heat from the bulb helps herbs grow.
This is called the parasite farm. It has three components: a compost bin underneath a cutting board so you can easily add your scraps, a section to remove your compost and compost juices, and the parasite farm itself where you can utilize your compost to help your plants grow. Displaying your plants on a bookshelf is elegant and space saving. For the people who are really in a space crunch, the Windowfarm may be an excellent option for you. Who knew you could grow a vertical garden?! This gardening system allows for the growth of fruits (yes fruits!), flowers, and veggies.