by Admin | Nov 29, 2012 | Uncategorized
Hurricane Sandy may be old news for those unaffected by the storm, but it is still at the forefront of attention for many federal officials and state and local leaders. A lot of repair and rebuilding needs to be done on the East Coast. The storm has left many...
by Admin | Nov 28, 2012 | Profiles
When companies decide that they want to commit to helping the environment and launch their own environmental initiative, who do they call? (Hint: not Ghostbusters!). Kohlberg Kravis and Roberts & Co, a private equity firm founded by Henry Kravis and his cousin...
by Admin | Nov 26, 2012 | Uncategorized
Treehugger has recently came out with its 2012 holiday green gift guide. If you just couldn’t find the right gift for that special someone on Black Friday, I highly suggest you check out a few of Treehugger’s green gift guides. What’s great about these guides is that...
by Admin | Nov 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
It is much harder to get people to shift to greener, more sustainable lifestyles when they lack the facts about what is truly happening on our plant regarding resource depletion. I came across this great animated documentary called “There’s No Tomorrow” that talks...
by Admin | Nov 19, 2012 | Uncategorized
If you’re looking for a place to eat in Seattle, why not try an organic Seattle restaurant? When I walked into Portage Bay Café for the first time, after all my friends had raved about it, I honestly didn’t know what would hit me. Instantly I was in love with the...