Nothing is more frustrating than wanting to make environmentally-friendly decisions and actions but not having the proper knowledge. Have you ever walked up to trash, compost, and recycle bins to throw away your lunch and stand there, puzzled, because you are unsure what goes where? If you are like me you may stand there for a good two minutes, and once people start to look at you funny, you make your best guess on where your waste goes, and leave feeling guilty.

Many people want to make environmentally-friendly choices but do not know how to. Another barrier to sustainable practices is where you live. In some states and countries, sadly, no recycle bins can be found, and some people have never even heard of composting.

Personally, choosing sustainable seafood is an area where I am lacking in knowledge; it isn’t something the average person faces everyday. However, when we do make these decisions, it can have a big affect on our oceans, the economy, and human lives. But choosing sustainable seafood doesn’t just happen at the grocery store. We also purchase seafood from restaurants in retailers. This is why is it not only important for individuals to have awareness of sustainable seafood, but for restaurants and retailers to commit to selling sustainable seafood and to educating the public about it. Restaurants and retailers play a significant role in the protection and conservation of our oceans. This is why the Seattle Aquarium is teaming up with these groups in the Seattle area in order to help them choose sustainable seafood to sell to their customers

Why protect our oceans? Not only supplying humans and animals with food, our oceans also help regulate our climate and are integral to our economy. Due to advances in fishing practices and technology, according to scientists, us humans have eliminated as much as 90 percent of our oceans’ shark, swordfish, and cod. According to the Monterey Bay Seafood Watch, about 85 percent of our global fisheries are currently being harvested at capacity or are already declining.

I highly suggest checking out the Monterey Bay Seafood Watch site. Here, you can find a Seafood Watch Guide, get sustainable seafood recommendations on your smart phone, and check out sustainable seafood recipes. If you are a chef or supplier, there are also resources available to you to help you find substitutes for seafood that are on the “avoid” list.

Check out their sustainable seafood guide on our resources page!