Bike for Two

Bike sharing is a different kind of “bike for two”

The more people walk or bike to work, the better it is for our environment. In a time when we need to get carbon and greenhouse gas emissions under control, the environment needs all the help it can get. That’s why Citi’s new partnership with NYCHA, the New York City Housing Authority, is so encouraging.

There are over eight million people living in New York City, and about half a million of those people are NYCHA residents. And now, those half-a-million people are eligible to sign up for Citi Bike memberships for a discounted price. The new program, which was just announced last month, is a bike-sharing program not unlike car-sharing programs like ZipCars and Car2Go.

The memberships normally cost $95 per year (which is already way cheaper than driving or taking public transit), but NYCHA residents can sign up for just $60 per year. There are Citi Bike stations dotted all around the city, and all 29 NYCHA properties have one within a block.

Urban bike sharing programs have been introduced around the world (pictured above is London)

Urban bike sharing programs have been introduced around the world (pictured above is London)

Because the program requires an active credit or debit card to sign up, as well as a $101 authorization hold to discourage theft, Citi is also partnering with Community Development Credit Unions to offer discounts to low-income members and encourage residents to create accounts and sign up for Citi Bike.

This new program has incredible potential to save New York residents money, get people exercising, and cut down on carbon emissions. Imagine a city less clogged by cars and buses, one that is instead full of cyclists and walkers. Doesn’t that city feel cleaner, nicer? We think so, too.


Be sure to check out our full profile on John Rhea, NYCHA Chairman.